This is the page devoted to my uniform obsession. 

Why uniforms?

Basically, where it all started was back in 1996 when I was on the set of the movie, Strangeland, which I was an extra in for the dance scene (if you rent it, you can see a little tiny me, grooving in the background. The shot lasts for maybe half a second or so. Incidentally, we shot that freaking scene for 11 hours, the high point was that I got to meet Dee Snider of Twisted Sister, but I digress) During this especially long shoot, there was a girl wearing a red nurses uniform. Being a fan of Cadillac ambulances, it dawned on me that this girl was EXACTLY what an old Caddy ambulance would look like as a human female. Yeah, I know, imaging cars as women is not the sign of a healthy mind, but I don't give a rats ass. 

At any rate, that started my obsession with nurses uniforms. 

More recently I purchased a copy of Spies Like Us, which I have loved since I was a kid, but I took notice of the kick ass Soviet uniforms in the flick. As a kid growing up at the end of the cold war, I remember being terrified of the Russians. I was told stories about how the communists did not value life like we did, and were just waiting to come over here and either nuke us or crush capitalism. 

Of course, today we know what a load of crap that all was. This is not to say that the Soviets were not a worthy adversary, they were, but they were also not lunatics who were totally bereft of regard for life itself. They had honor, and respect for rational thought. Of course, the enemies of our state today do not share these values, even for their own lives.

My main interest, as such, is Soviet uniforms because I am fascinated by that which I was terrified by as a child. 

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This is my naval uniform. This hat is more formal, as a officers cap with a visor, than what you normally see, which is the sailors cap below. 

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The sailors cap.

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What my hair looks like when not done up.

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A picture I did with an Israeli gas mask for my Imperial Overlord campaign.

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My tank commanders uniform.

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Me smoking a cigar. Actually, it is a beef Tacquito.

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The VNV Nation shot!

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This is the Ushanka hat.

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In the back yard.

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Nothing says "I'm gonna shoot ya!" quite like baggy military pants!

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Me in my Girl Scout uniform. Yeah, kinda incongruent considering the other pictures on this page, I know.

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