HearseCon 4 was a great time, we had 51 hearses and more a ton of great times, thank you to EVERYONE who showed up and helped make this event an awesome time we look forward to seeing you all again at HearseCon 5!

Disclaimer -

This gallery contains over 400 thumbnailed images. My point? You might want to go get a candy bar or something if you're one of the 32 people still on dialup or one of those dick nozzles who insists on looking at everything on their iphone. Seriously guys, go to a real computer to look at the internet. 

Most images by Hearseclub.com thanks to everyone else who contributed pictures, sorry, it is 4:00 AM and I am too damned tired to research everyone who contributed. My bad. 


This day began with a rousing game of Capture The Funeral Flag at the park to help everyone get to know each other!

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The Associated Press was there. That's right, no fooling. The Associated Press came to cover US playing Capture The Flag, how's that for validation?

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Taking over all the on street parking

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Robb from....Canada? I think that's where he was from. Hard to tell for sure. 

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The game is on...

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Strategizing. Apparently not well enough since we lost. 

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More ill fated planning

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This bastard can RUN. 

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Visitors from Southern Colorado!

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At Casa Bonita. The official slogan for Friday night, "Great Cars, Great People, Shitty Mexican Food and Bad Service" we had it all!

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The Zombie Jeep

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Taking over the 7-11 to gas up before heading out to camping.


Waking up early Saturday...hot air balloons in the distance

Desiree's ride.

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Desiree waking up. 

Arts new paint job!

You can always tell who belongs to our group.

Rob and Cheryl waking up in the back of their Magnum.

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Desiree, ready to roll!

Meanwhile at the Decay and Shine...

Shots from the roof

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Various panoramic shots...

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Hearse Girl Cynthia!

The Denver Ghostbusters

Hearse Girl Cheryl

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Hearse Girl Sarah

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We encourage people to bring their snakes to the event. You never quite know when it's going to come in handy.

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DHA VP Traveler.

Traveller fixing a fuel leak, upskirt shot graciously eliminated by Photoshop magic.

More roof shots.

Damned dirty rockabillys. For every 1 of them you see, there's 15 more behind the walls.

Cadillac station wagon

Tim and the Grim Reaper

Hearse Girl Josie flew in from Florida!

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Tim's casket BBQ grill!

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Awards time!

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Throwing raffle prizes to the audience

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Emma and her ride.

Hearse Girl Dolly

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Rons hearse!

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CJ Chaos

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More Dolly, less clothing

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Desiree and her ride, Hearsula

Zachary and Desiree

Hearse Girl Emerald

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Art and his daughter

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Norm and Christina's ride!

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At the after party!

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Art was kind enough to bring a giant screen for us to watch Zombieland on, it was like a small drive in movie!


The picnic!

Unloading Tim's casket BBQ

Setting up

The Pikes Peak Hearse Association

Inside Desiree's hearse

All of us!